No matter how well you prepare your vehicle for a road trip, an emergency can happen at any time, whether it’s from your car breaking down suddenly or as a result of a reckless driver. While that may not be entirely avoidable, gaining knowledge on how to respond safely to such an emergency can help is crucial. So, if you’re getting ready for a road trip anytime soon, take some time to prepare yourself in case your vehicle breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
- Prepare before you hit the road

Before you set off, you want to make sure that you’re adequately prepared for any roadside emergency. Start by going through the basics – getting your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic, getting a spare tire, etc. Next, you need to create a roadside emergency kit to prepare you for the unexpected. Thankfully, you can always purchase a premade kit from a dealer or buy one online. Some of the basic things your emergency kit should have include – a blanket, bottled water, nonperishable snacks, a warning triangle, jumper cables, multipurpose tools, a flashlight, and a first aid kit. You should also have the contact of your mechanic and insurance provider stored on your mobile phone. So, what do you do in case of an emergency?
- Get off the road
If you can move your vehicle, the first thing you need to do is get it off the road as quickly as you can. Park your vehicle at the side of the road and as far from traffic as possible. If you need to get out quickly from the car but your driver’s door wouldn’t budge, exit through the passenger door. If you need to move away from the vehicle to find help, it’s best to leave a note with your contact number on the windshield if the police or roadside assistance shows up in your absence. If you can’t move your car off the road, place your warning triangle at least 45 meters from your vehicle on the ground to give approaching drivers enough time to avoid your vehicle.
- Call for help

The next thing you want to do is call for assistance if the problem is nothing you can handle on your own. You can contact your mechanic if you’re still within a reachable location. You can also call for a towing vehicle service if your car doesn’t move. The police is also another option worth trying. Roadside assistance is crucial, especially as night approaches or you’re caught up in unfavorable weather. Depending on the state of your vehicle, you might also want to contact your car insurance provider. That is why it is essential always to have insurance cover for your car before you set off for any road trip. Thankfully, you can find cheap car insurance solutions like One Sure insurance. Aside from its affordability, another great thing about One Sure insurance is that you can also get coverage even if you are a convicted driver.