Not long after Pebble Beach event, still in California, bored of the Napa Valley wine and fine dine ( I’m more of a soul food person and I don’t drink), I started to think of going somewhere else I’ve never been to instead of staying with my original plan, which was spending four more days in the cold windy San Francisco.
Knowing Formula D Texas would be held in Dallas on the 22nd, I booked my flight 3 days prior to the event. So here I am, the most American State in the America, Texas.
I arrived a bit late when drivers were all ready for the TOP 16 opening ceremony, missed Vaughn Gittin’s hit, which was all over the hashtag #fdtx when I searched it on my way there.
Under 40 degree, I experienced the Texas heat for the first time. But then I found that by putting my camera down, I can finally become a good audience and cheer with the crowd (mostly against the crowd)….
Texas is something new for me. I barely know anyone here but somehow loved it a lot.