A sunny Monday in May, our 2 Jeeps 2 Toyotas convoy headed into Norrish Creek in Mission, BC.
This trail is fairly close to town and somewhat easy to get to. Since we had plenty of time for the relatively short trail, we slowed down our pace and chilled by the water before heading up the mountain.

The access to waterside has a rocky track called BJ Loop. A little twist and turns for some fun. But if you have a stock vehicle, the normal route on the right side of photo below is basically free from obstacles.

Back to Norrish Creek FSR, keep going north you will reach a big gate. The mountain has been closed to the public since January 2019. But as a member of 4 Wheel Drive Association BC, Matt has the access key that allowed us up the mountain.

6 FEET UNDER track has two sections. You can cut through half way and do a sketchy-looking almost 360 degree turn onto the lower half. Photo below showing my Landcruiser on the cut through road, while Nigel turned onto the lower half of 6 Feet Under.

The exit of 6 Feet Under? A steep ascent with a giant water pipe. Tacoma doesn’t have enough clearance to clear it the first time. Each free spin dug the front wheel deeper which made the exit looking like a straight wall in front of us. This is possibly one of the few times our Taco ever used its winch.
Matt took his JLU Rubicon to the full 6 Feet Under track and soon enough we got a big rock.

This is a tricky position where the rock is touching passenger side door. But front fender is already out and over the rock which means we cannot reverse from here.

Key to situations like this: remain calm, smile, and set up recovery winch yourself out! We did just that.

After some twisting among tight trees on the top part of the track, Matt turned down to the lower half of 6 Feet Under and… As you can see in the video, he made the exit looks utterly easy! “Because it’s a Jeep”. I can’t argue… This is when the topic of Noah vs. Altar became crystal clear depending on what you’re trying to tackle…

From here, we turned back down towards the peak of Nicomen Mountain. A few big rocks on the side of the road. Just be careful turn around it.

Cloud starts to cover the sky as evening comes. Soon enough it started raining. My RhinoRack Batwing 270 awning was opened twice on the same day: for sun and for rain. Definitely a great shelter space to have!