Life back to Canada has been a hell of a roller coaster. So much happened in March and I’m in need of some snow therapy. Before the pandemic hits Vancouver, I gathered some old and new 4WD friends, headed to Jones Lake (Wahleach Lake) in Chilliwack, BC, Canada.
I wanted to get outside, but I also wanted a bottle of drink. During my flight back to Canada, Got hooked on umeshu served by ANA. Although not an alcohol junky, I’ll take a sweet beverage any day!
Today’s convoy consists of 2 Toyota Tacoma, 1 Toyota 4Runner, 1 Jeep JLU Rubicon, and 1 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk.
You may ask “what about Noah or Altar?”. Safe and sound at home.
But they won’t be safe if I drink and drive in the snow. So let me slack for once – riding passenger in the Trailhawk.

We stopped at the big opening area by the lakeside.
Willy’s JLU Rubicon really reminds me of Noah. Maybe I should take Noah out to meet the white JLUs once the pandemic ends and we can finally go out again.
Before setting up for BBQ, boys spotted a tiny hill for fun.
Set up the camp fire, parked our cars with the beautiful back drop. I guess this is what Chinese called prime location 依山伴水 (mountain at the back and overlooking the river).
What’s a 4WD trip without some BBQ? Notice the night market spec grill! Since I’ve been following pescatarian diet this year, I was only watching the meat sizzling. What did I end up consuming? You’ll see in the video. 🍄🍷
With a full and satisified belly and some good laugh, we took a walk by the water. Jones Lake Rec Site is principly closed during winter. Meaning there’s no maintenance at the camp sites. But it’s still accessible to capable vehicles. And apparently winter it’s the best time to visit this corner of the paradise before it gets over crowded by rowdy camping kids..
As you may have noticed in the video, Willy (JLU) has a mask hanging on his rearview mirror. This was the beginning. Our world is very different than it was a month ago.
While writing this, we are in the #StayHome isolation here in Vancouver. I escaped from the first wave in China yet still can’t avoid the full-on impact.
The COVID-19 pandemic has tested each and every one of us. While the specific impacts may be different, there is no question that we are all managing the same core challenges: protecting the health and wellness of our loved ones and striving to ease off the anxiety and stress due to work loss, all while balancing these with the need to remain socially and physically distant.
I don’t know how long we’ll need to wait to be able to get out there as a group again. We already have so many ideas on the wish list.